Achieved through a magnetic field to stimulate circulation,loose
silt,antispasmodic,eyesight purposes.
Can effectively improve eye blood circulation,enhance blood flow to the eye
organ, accelerate metabolism. Long-term wear make eye tissue cells get rich
nutritional supplies,restore ciliary muscle of normal systolic and diastolic
function,eliminate eye fatigue and improve vision;effectively removed due to
various circumstances in the bags under the eyes, dark circles,eye wrinkles so
silky texture and delicate skin around the eye,easy to produce oil
Adapt To The Crowd:
Prolonged computer access, watching TV,reading,driving,etc.,eliminate eye
fatigue,myopia,presbyopia,astigmatism,etc.are very helpful,all ages;
Eye lines,dark circles and bags under the eyes crowd.
Internet,watching television or reading a book while wearing a blindfold
energy reduce eye fatigue.
Apply wrinkle essence, eye cream, then put energy goggles,in pottery crystal
energy film role,help to reduce eye wrinkles, you can quickly nutrients into
skin deep,eliminate dark circles.
In addition to normal wear,it can also use heat therapy and cold therapy the
goggles soak 3-5 minutes 60 degrees hot to wear, can quickly eliminate eye pain
and headache; uncomfortable rest of the body can be soaked in hot water at 60
degrees goggles after the paste on a painful area,we should eliminate toothache,
cervical pain and other symptoms;would blindfold five minutes into the
refrigerator freezer storage, reverse worn on the forehead,can play a
fever,refreshing effect.
The formation of eye fatigue,chronic fatigue symptoms, there may be swelling
with the initial reaction,the use of a few days return to normal.
The FDA does not contradict with eye drops,in conjunction with use.
Prevent the use of sharp objects piercing the product PVC film.If punctured
leakage accumulator agent spilled on the skin,rinse can be used.